Friday 13 May 2016

Avoiding Saggy Breasts Syndrome After Breastfeeding

Avoiding Saggy Breasts Syndrome After Nursing

One of the saddest things I sometimes hear from women who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant is that they intend to bottlefeed their baby because they’ve been warned, usually from their Mothers, that breastfeeding causes droopy, saggy breasts.
Even women who are in full support of breastfeeding seem to accept that the choice to feed their child naturally with the best Nature can provide will ultimately sacrifice the firmness of their breast tissue and that saggy breasts post nursing are just part of the package.
While every woman is different and certainly in some instances, pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause undesirable changes to the appearance of the bosom despite mom’s best efforts, there are definite strategies that women can implement prior to and during nursing that can greatly lessen the impact.
Another critical fat that healthy skin needs is arachidonic acid.  This fat is primarily found in egg yolks and butter, which so many women preparing for pregnancy and nursing mistakenly avoid!   Women in traditional Chinese provinces like Chongqing know better, however, as they are encouraged to eat up to 10 eggs per day along with plenty of chicken and pork while nursing!   Perhaps this is one reason why it is rare to see a traditional Chinese woman with children who has breasts down around her belly button.
Arachidonic acid (AA) is an underappreciated fat for maintaining healthy skin.  Arachidonic acid is critical for the proper formation of the junctions between skin cells.   Without enough arachidonic acid in the diet, skin cannot adequately maintain moisture and is more susceptible to damage as the water between cells evaporates from missing cell-to-cell junctions.

Ideal Weaning Age to Minimize Saggy Breasts

In addition to diet, the approach a woman employs to wean her child significantly impacts the perkiness versus sagginess of her bosoms at the conclusion of breastfeeding.
The modern approach to weaning is to parent initiate the process and do so fairly suddenly once the child starts eating solid foods or Mom goes back to work.
Weaning around the 4-6 month mark contributes greatly to saggy breasts as this is the very time when baby’s demands for breastmilk are the greatest. Stopping nursing at this point is not a good idea as it can cause inordinantly saggy breasts with much excess skin much in the same way as an obese person who undergoes gastric bypass surgery and loses weight faster than the body can handle usually ends up with pounds and pounds of excess skin that need to be removed by surgery years later.
The better way to wean is as gradually as possible, ideally somewhere between the 2-4 year mark.  When weaning is very gradual with the demand for nursing by the child easing off slowly as his/her appetite for solid foods increases, the body has time to slowly shrink and reabsorb the breast tissue and skin that stretched and greatly expanded to accommodate large quantities of breastmilk when the child was an infant.
Think of the difference between someone who loses weight at a rapid pace which is what happens after gastric bypass surgery versus someone who loses weight more gradually with improvements in diet and exercise alone.  In the first scenario, much excess, sagging skin that needs to be removed by surgery is the typical result; in the second scenario, excess skin problems are much less of an issue if at all.

A New Amazing Scientific "Product" That Give Natural Breast Firmness Without Surgery or Silicon Implant  and Without Any Side Effect Whatsoever Just Came Out Of The Closet!
 For detail, visit here

Surprising Ways to Perk Up Your Breasts After Pregnancy

Perk Up: 10 Unexpected Ways to Get Your Breasts Back After Baby

Pregnancy is a time of major changes in a woman’s physique, from the rise and fall of different hormones, to the rise and fall of a woman’s breasts. Whether or not you choose to breastfeed, pregnancy alone will likely change the size, shape, and position of your breasts.
What happens to your breasts after pregnancy and lactation varies from woman to woman. For some, breast size is forever increased, while for the majority of others, post-partum breast return to their original, or smaller, size. This change in size and the resulting expansion and contraction of the skin surrounding the breast tissue can cause the whole upper chest area to sag. According to Dr. William T. Stoeckle, “The problem with sagging breasts is usually a combination of two issues: 1. loss of volume to the breast and 2. loss of elasticity of the skin that holds the breast tissue up.” How each woman’s skin holds up to pregnancy is largely determined by genetics, but here are some techniques everyone can apply to help prevent sagging and restore breast skin after pregnancy:

1. Wear the right bra during pregnancy.
You may have to invest in a few different sizes in the course of nine months, so don’t buy a whole bunch in a single size. Instead, be prepared to be fitted each trimester, so that you are properly supported each step of the way. Also consider wearing a light support nighttime bra, to keep your gals in check as you toss and turn in your sleep.
2. Wear the right bra after pregnancy.
If you are nursing, you will probably want to purchase a few nursing bras for easy access. Be prepared for one set of measurements during nursing and a different one after you wean. Your “final” size may not be fully settled until a few months after you wean. Once again, a proper fitting will ensure that you are wearing the right size that offers good support. Sturdy sports bras should always be part of your exercise attire and this is also a great time to experiment with push-up bras and their cleavage-enhancing properties.
3. Gain a moderate amount of weight during pregnancy.
While hormones and milk production are partly responsible for the swelling of breasts, weight gain also increases the fatty tissue in breasts. It is currently recommended that normal weight women gain between 25-35 pounds in pregnancy, so try to stick to that range and minimize huge fluctuations in fatty tissue.

4. Lose the baby weight at a slow pace after pregnancy.
When it comes time to release those pounds back into the ether, go slow. Despite your hurry to get back into pre-baby jeans, your skin’s elasticity is challenged by rapid stretching in either direction. Slow and steady progress gives breast skin more time to recover and repair.
5. Moisturize
Plain cocoa butter, shea butter, almond oil, or a wide variety of baby-safe, specially formulated skin moisturizers can aid the elasticity, collagen production and general resilience of breast skin. Combine moisturizing with a little uplifting breast massage to feel perkier instantly. The added bonus is that all that moisture can help to prevent and fade the appearance of stretch marks, too.

6. Exercise
The age-old theory about increasing bust-size by working out the upper chest muscles (such as when you do push-ups or press your palms together while pointing your elbows out to the sides) holds true: larger pecs equals larger-looking, more uplifted breasts. Strengthening your core and back muscles will also give you a big boost by bettering your posture and allowing you to hold yourself taller and appear less saggy.
7. Cold Water
A simple rinse of cold water after a steamy shower helps the skin around the breasts contract and lift. Generations of mothers and grandmothers have used the cold-water rinse as an instant, albeit temporary, breast lift.

8. Use a Pillow
In response to women’s concerns about their breasts during and after pregnancy, intima has developed a line of products they claim support the non-surgical restoration of breast skin after baby.
9. Acceptance
Perhaps the most unexpected way to get your breasts back after a baby is to accept your new body as yours and therefore beautiful. For some women, the knowledge that they have birthed and nourished a child from their own body is enough to make them feel the saggiest of breasts are actually perky with purpose.

10. Surgery
Depending on your existing breast tissue, you may be a candidate for a lift (mastopexy) alone or, in the case of insufficient tissue to recreate the breast mound in a higher spot, you may require augmentation (implants) in addition to the lift. The drawbacks of surgery are the usual ones: it is invasive, costly, requires down time, and will leave scars. The benefits are that surgical intervention is the most effective way to dramatically and permanently perk up your breasts.

A New Amazing Scientific "Product" That Give Natural Breast Firmness Without Surgery or Silicon Implant  and Without Any Side Effect Whatsoever Just Came Out Of The Closet!

How it works: 
- Lifts and supports your breasts, even without a bra.
- Unbelievable firm breast support
- Letting your breast have a natural smooth perky shape
- Look beautiful while wearing backless or strapless tops, confidently 
- Easy to apply & remove 
Apply to the top of the breast and are used to lift the loose skin. They position the nipple and lower breast to a higher area for a more natural, youthful appearance.
For more information and how to get this amazing product... 
click  here

Causes Of Sagging Breast

Sagging Breast, Causes And How To Prevent It Early!

What causes sagging of breasts?

Sagging or drooping of breasts is a natural, inevitable process that happens to all women at some point, except to women with fairly small breasts.
The most notable sagging happens with the process called breast involution (see below), but breasts can start drooping a little at any age, because they do NOT have muscles in them. They have ligaments and connective tissue.
When the gravity pulls the breasts down, those ligaments and the skin can stretch, and so the breast then droops. This depends on the elasticity of your skin and of your ligaments, as determined by your genes and diet, and also on normal aging processes. Obviously large breasts will sag easier since the gravity is pulling them down more. When breasts bounce during active sports, such as tennis, those ligaments can also be stretched or even torn. A good sports bra can minimize that effect, and is recommendable.

Breast involution is a process where the milk-making system inside the breast shrinks because it is not needed anymore. This happens either after weaning, or right after pregnancy if the woman does not breastfeed at all, or during menopause. When the tissues inside the breast shrink, and the skin surrounding it doesn't, the breast can look "empty" and saggy. After weaning, a woman's body usually deposits fat back to the breast (this process takes months), so that breasts will gain their pre-pregnancy size, but sagging usually remains.
Another common cause for sagging is when a woman loses weight. When you lose weight, some of that fat disappears from your breasts. Typically the skin and the ligaments inside the breasts do not retract accordingly, resulting in an 'empty' looking breast that then sags. (You could try prevent this by eating foods that provide extra good nutrition for your skin.)
Worries about sagging breasts is one of the most popular questions sent to this website. So if you feel your breasts droop, you are most certainly not alone!
Note: A scientific study that studied the effects of breastfeeding upon sagging, found that breastfeeding per se did not have an affect upon the sagging. However, pregnancy DID, because of the great physical changes that happen in the breasts during pregnancy. According to the study, the following were risk factors for an increased degree of breast sagging: body mass index (BMI), the number of pregnancies, a larger pre-pregnancy bra size, smoking history, and age.
(The Effect of Breastfeeding on Breast Aesthetics, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 28, Issue 5)

Is it normal to have sagging breasts if you haven't been pregnant?

While many women find themselves with sagging breasts after childbirth/weaning and after menopause (it's the involution at work), quite many childless women also claim that they have "awfully" saggy breasts and wonder if that is normal, or if their breasts are sagging more than most women of their age.
Just keep in mind that sagging happens to all women sooner or later—except those with very small breasts. For some of us, it happens sooner, even without pregnancy. There are even many teens with drooping breasts. It is not that uncommon! Just browse through our galleries to see examples of women in their 20s or younger who do have sagging breasts. Additionally, overweight women have some additional fat tissue in their breasts, which causes them to be heavier and therefore sag earlier than otherwise.
Women tend to be bothered by sagging because they feel it makes them less attractive. However, you might be surprised to learn that according to comments we have received, it is NOT a turn-off to many guys. We women may be overly preoccupied about something that isn't nearly as much an issue with the opposite sex as we might think!

Can you prevent sagging?

Sagging cannot be totally prevented. It is an inevitable process because it is the gravity at work. However, there are a few things that you can try.
  1. Wearing sports bras during active sports helps prevent sagging, because when breasts bounce a lot during sports, that can stretch and harm the Cooper's ligaments inside breasts.

  2. If at all possible, do NOT wear bras all the time. I know most people think that bras prevent sagging, but this is not totally true! For most of us, bra wearing can actuallyincrease sagging!

    This sounds strange, perhaps, but it is based on scientific studies. For example, professor Jean-Denis Rouillon from Besancon, France, has published a study (2013) that shows that wearing bras may increase sagging. The 15-year study involved 330 volunteers between the ages 18 and 35. Researchers measured their breasts using a slide ruler and a caliper and recorded any changes throughout the study period. Women who did not wear bras had a 7 millimeter lift as measured from their nipples each year. Their breasts were also firmer, and their stretch marks faded. There was also no evidence that the bras helped get rid of back pain.

    The idea is that when you wear bras, the muscle tissue that supports the breasts may not develop as well. Also, the Cooper's ligaments inside breasts can atrophy and shrivel away from not being used. "Use it, or lose it" seems to be at work! The gentle bouncing of breasts when you walk and move can help those ligaments stay in top shape. Perhaps breasts weren't meant to be kept totally "jiggless" and motionless! Just remember to wear sports bras during any active sports where the breasts would bounce a lot.

    Now, women with heavy breasts may find that regular bra wearing can delay or diminish sagging, because their breasts are just so heavy. However, the jury is still out even on this, as there are not enough studies for us to know definitely.

  3. One other thing you can try (I'm not guaranteeing any results) is to help the elasticity of your skin and ligaments nutritionally, which could then help prevent or even reduce the drooping. For example, vitamin C is very important for the collagen synthesis within skin. There are also many other vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that can help the skin and ligaments to be in top health.
And please remember that it is the changes during pregnancy, not breastfeeding, that increases sagging. Don't think you will escape droopy breasts just by skipping breastfeeding.

How to define 'sagging' breasts?

Sometimes sagging can be merely an issue of definition.  Which pair of the breasts below would you consider as 'saggy'?
One dictionary definition of sagging is "hanging down (as from exhaustion or weakness)".   We think of sagging as being drooping or sinking from weight or from pressure as compared to the 'norm'. So what is sagging depends on what is considered "the norm", how breasts should be when they are beautiful.
Some might think that all of the breasts above are sagging, and that is true if you compare them to the perky teenage breast. But really, the two pairs in the top row droop only slightly—so slightly that if you're past puberty but not through menopause, and your breasts don't droop more than that, then they sag very little or less in comparison to most women.
Women in the United States typically only see their own breasts and those of the supermodels, which have been fixed & augmented, and the photos have been airbrushed, modified, photoshopped—you name it.  All that most of us can perceive of other women's breasts is just the fact they are bra-bound and bra-lifted. So this causes people—both men and women—to think that the normal or typical breast is what the models have in TV and magazines, and that anything else is sagging/too small/ugly/abnormal. Oh, what a deception!
In my mind, breasts are sagging when the nipple and most of the breast more or less point south or hangs... like you can see in the two pictures in the bottom row.  You have the right for your opinion—hopefully based on having seen lots of natural breasts.
Plastic surgeons of course have an exact definition for sagging (or breast ptosis as they call it), which actually determines different degrees of sagginess/ptosis. The definition they use was first given by a Canadian plastic surgeon Paule Regnault in 1976. With the definition and the medical-sounding term "ptosis" they can talk with phrases like, "Patient presented with unilateral degree x breast ptosis and breast asymmetry," which sounds like there is a disease, a medical condition that then needs "treatment". They even try to define small breasts as a "disease!" But sagging breasts are no more a "disease" than wrinkles or stretch marks!

What can I do about my sagging breasts?

Short of breast lift surgery, there is not very much you can do about it. Even breast lift surgery results are not permanent because the skin and ligaments will stretch again eventually.
There is some evidence that not wearing bras can help sagging a little bit. If possible, give your breasts "free" time where they can gently bounce while you walk and do various activities. This can help the Cooper's ligaments inside breasts to be in better shape. However, you will need to wear good sports bras during active sports, such as jogging, because when breasts bounce a LOT, those ligaments can overstretch or tear.
Other than that, good nutrition cannot hurt (see above).
Just think, are other people around you really bothered by your breasts, or is it mainly you? Since most women do end up with sagging breasts - more or less - they wouldn't think badly of that. Nobody should, anyway.
Those men who do mind sagging breasts should keep in mind that they're going to have hard time finding a woman whose breasts would never droop (flat-chested maybe). If the man you love is bothered by them, try to educate him. Remember also that if he really loves you, he will not quit loving you because of some physical characteristics. Surely we all would want to have a husband who is not concentrating solely or obsessing over the outward appearance - because that will inevitably change some day as you age.
So even though sagging breasts are not the most aesthetic, they are very common and you're not alone with them! And keep in mind also, your (future/current) baby certainly won't care.

I want to go to the beach but I'm embarrassed of my sagging breasts

When breasts hang down, they can sometimes hang down quite a bit, and understandably can cause embarrassement on the beach or while swimming.
Fortunately, there is an easy solution to this: buy a swimming suit with bra support. Seach for "control swimwear" or "concealed underwire" swimsuit.

A New Amazing Scientific "Product" That Give Natural Breast Firmness Without Surgery or Silicon Implant  and Without Any Side Effect Whatsoever Just Came Out Of The Closet!

How it works: 
- Lifts and supports your breasts, even without a bra.
- Unbelievable firm breast support
- Letting your breast have a natural smooth perky shape
- Look beautiful while wearing backless or strapless tops, confidently 
- Easy to apply & remove 
Apply to the top of the breast and are used to lift the loose skin. They position the nipple and lower breast to a higher area for a more natural, youthful appearance.

For more information and how to get this amazing product... click here